How To Boost Survey Earnings

Earning a few extra euros with online surveys is easy and safe, and it is always best to adopt some tricks of the trade.

To earn as much as possible with the paid surveys, we recommend that you...

Complete the profile with all the data relating to your interests: Often before sending surveys companies choose potential respondents based on their profiles (even though anonymous). If you leave your profile blank they will not know if you are suitable for their research and this will reduce your chances of receiving a survey. In addition, by completing the profile you will only receive online surveys in line with your preferences. The types of survey can be very different: creams and after sun lotions, tires and alloy wheels, diapers and antidiarrheals – are you really interested in all of these?

Answer truthfully: Many customers implement advanced systems that understand when answers are given randomly, some insert trick questions, others remember the answers given previously to similar topics. Lying on the forms will get you nowhere and you risk not receiving any more surveys.

Dedicate the right amount of time: If you answer in a hurry without even reading the questions, only taking a minute to complete a survey that was estimated to take ten minutes, you may not receive the payment that you would be entitled to. Similarly, since the surveys cannot be interrupted and resumed at a later time, it is best not to exit a survey once started; for example, if you wait thirty minutes to answer a survey that was estimated to take five minutes, you may be "timed out" before you complete it.

Open the paid survey quickly: The market research companies that need 100 responses to a survey, for example, will send out 150 emails with the link to the survey to ensure that they receive them. To increase the chances of being able to complete the survey, we recommend that you open the link within 24-48 hours of receipt, thus avoiding other people with a similar profile to yours from responding earlier.

Only join the best panels: Although there are hundreds of consumer panels, there are not that many companies that really create surveys. These few major market research companies will use hundreds of panels to get the answers they need. If you sign up for too many panels, you risk not being able to answer a paid survey because you received it previously through another panel, in this case: 1 + 1 + 1 = 2. Furthermore, the euro-points will be credited to you on different panel accounts and it will be more difficult for you to reach the collection thresholds.

Check the thresholds: Some panels have deceptive high thresholds, for example 20 euros (also those that offer money for registering or give points for completing the profile usually have higher thresholds), but although you seem to be earning more, in reality you will find yourself not being able to reach the threshold in the short term. It is a system used to anchor less willing panelists. ViewpointPanel gives you maximum freedom, allowing you to collect for every 5 euros (dollars, pounds)!

Update your browser: Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc. in order to minimize any problems relating to compatibility between different operating systems.

Responding from your home: If the survey created by the client monitors the IP address and you tried to answer from abroad, you would not be able to take part in the paid survey, unless you have hacker training.

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